Sunday, July 25, 2010

Malaysia International Toy Fair 2010 Was A Success!!!!

2 days in the exibit is really a pleasure place for De Real Transworks and with affiliate very proud Malaysia Transformers Forum@Transmy to be part with...the day one has been utilize succesfully with Custom Demonstration for the first time in this country..hopefully it will be open more doors to other local customizer to become spokeperson for Transformers especially in CUstom Section in every toy fair/exibition in the future..

Just enjoy yourself for the first badge of pictures for this event...more to come so stay tune..


.ejat. said...

xdpt datang la aritu c.wan.
sbb orientasi lagi.
papepun tahniah :)

admin prime said...

bro, congrats and thanks for promoting transmy as well

Wan de REAL said...

Ejat...rugi besar tak datang...

Papa Wong...welcome..of course we have to highlight our local forum..ive even put Transmy link here for a long time aredi;)