Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sixshot Wheels:Ur Opinions?

Guys..untill today im still cant decide which want to use..either G1 with add rubber wheels or condor type wheels....i want to know ur opinions...

My recent reference..

sum opinions:

Bruticus said...
I'd pick the original tires with the rubber on them. I like the chrome look from the originals, and with the smooth rubber tire they look more futuristic. The plastic tires are good, but they seem more like for a jeep, or some off road vehicle. That's just what I think.
March 12, 2009 6:01 AM

Wan de REAL said...
thnks Bruticus..i really appreciate ur comments here...anyway i got like 60/40 vote from entire TF forum more to 2nd offroad tyres...actually i also undecided to which i supposed to choose....the G1 tyres is so classic and memorable however the Offroad condor is more realistic to condor/tank offroad prpose (which i think more realistic to Sixshot Armor/Condor alt mode..the codor type is also loke more nasty in root mode and likely more suitable for SixShot behavior..i think i will try the Condor type first and take final pics...then if there a lot of fan dint like it i will chnage bout that?
March 16, 2009 3:08 AM

by zero-kaiser SEIBERTRON on Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:22 pm
Personally I prefer the second set of tires.. but then again I love detailed parts. If your going just for the awesome factor I'd go with the second set.. if your going for accuracy to his original form, go with the first set (which look to be the original tyres to me)

by wan_de_real on Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:22 pm

thats why im in dilemma Zero...its same what i think here...but at least i positive feedback bout those 2nd like to show amazing appearence here...thnks

by zero-kaiser SEIBERTRON on Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:33 pm
Hell.. looking at them again I say go with the second set, they just look that bit more dangerous!! Really looking forward to seeing this finished wan_de_real, it looks awesome so far!

by UDA SEIBERTRON on Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:49 am
im with zero....the knobby set would just be badical!!!!

by JAF SECTOR70 on Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:49 am
The mag wheels (2nd) are definitely mean looking, more military in nature. They look cooler but also provide less of a contrast with the tank treads. that is good if you want the whole custom to look more consistent and integrated. However if you want more variety in each mode, then the smooth rubber wheels will give more of that. Those arm joints look great so far, nice work. The mag wheels (2nd) are definitely mean looking, more military in nature. They look cooler but also provide less of a contrast with the tank treads. that is good if you want the whole custom to look more consistent and integrated. However if you want more variety in each mode, then the smooth rubber wheels will give more of that. Those arm joints look great so far, nice work.

Sixshot Hand Articulate Mechanism

to those who wonder about arm rotations..yup it is really tough mechanism (try to unscrew the arm and u know why)...what im try to preserve here is the 'clicking mechanism inside'...what i have done here is like MP Prime's arm articulation...i think this is the toughest articulate parts to-date coz it involve custom metal parts and a lot and a lot work and a lot work hav to do...